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Yes Father 1: Sins of the Flesh DVD (S)

€ 39,75
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SKU 15423D
For young, Catholic men, nothing is more important than making Father happy. For a gay priest, there's nothing finer than hearing his boys say, “Yes, Father.” Given how submissive these altar boys are, it's no surprise the older men often take advantage of their trust. This religious series features all the dirty secrets the Church doesn't want you to see...

When Father Fiore is finally alone with Mason, he is sure he has found the perfect disciple but he needs to know one important thing; can Mason keep a secret? Marcus is terrified to reveal his feelings about boys to anyone but he finds Father Oaks to be understanding and even encouraging. Father Gallo selects young Dakota to be an altar boy, knowing the difficult path the boy has been on and just how thankful he would be for such an honor. Carter has been tempted and seduced several times by his lustful desires and now it’s up to Father Oaks to help the lad with his insaitiable hunger for hard cock!

Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Not Credited
23 feb. 2021
90 Minuten