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Workout That Hole DVD (S)

Studio: Club Inferno
€ 39,75
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SKU 16311D
The best way to break a sweat on the mat is to ‘Workout That Hole’. Acclaimed fetish director Tom Moore brings you this fisting DVD following four gaping jocks who are about to learn that in this gym, punching bags aren’t the only things able to take a fist. When coach Wolfie Braden Shaw needs to redirect the pent-up energy of athletes Jim Fit and Andrew Connor, the bearded trainer has his boys point their holes to the sky and take his rugged fists. The two jocks then turn the tables by barebacking and fisting Wolfie until the end of their intense hands-on training session. Later, Apollo Fates convinces Jim Fit to break the coach’s rules and practice in the gym while out of uniform. The two break the rules even further by stripping down to fill Jim Fit’s muscular ass and fully fist Apollo Fate’s sweaty hole. While this gym may be a little too physically demanding for some, anyone that loves to ‘Workout That Hole’ will feel right at home with all these stretched-out jocks and their demolished assholes.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Tom Moore
18 okt. 2022
90 Minuten
Club Inferno