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Varsity Boys DVD (S)

Speciale prijs € 27,83 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 17372D

Jordan Lake and Alfonso Osnaya are training for an upcoming wrestling match. Jordan keeps dominating and winning over Alfonso, so Alfonso decides to fully give in by losing his wrestling clothes and letting Jordan devour his hole! Grant and Quin play a game after an intense wrestling match - the loser has to take it up the ass. In the end, Grant can't seem to beat Quin, but he doesn't mind one bit and gladly holds up his end of the deal. Jake and Masyn throw each other around on the wrestling mat, learning all sorts of tricks and moves. But things get a little spicy when coach Jake notices Masyn's hard-on. It doesn't take long before the two hunks start going at it again, but this time they're locked in for the long haul. Eric needs some help on the mat to better impress the coach. Luckily, his teammate Jay is there to lend a helping hand. Things get a little wild when Eric notices Jay's massive erection through his wrestling uniform.

Verenigde Staten van Amerika
9 jul. 2024
114 Minuten