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Up And Under DVDR (NC)

Studio: Sport Ladz
€ 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 07493D
Football’s fun, but rugby – played by hunks with funny shaped balls! – is most definitely the game for REAL men! What’s more, as this superb tribute to the greatest sport on earth demonstrates, it’s a pastime that allows both players and supporters to get to know each other in the most intimate fashion. Orlando White, Blake Hanson and Darius Ferdynand lead the field as the sexiest team in the league get dirty and sweaty in a succession of spunk-inducing tackles. Ben Cohen – rugby sex-god extraordinaire – eat your heart out!!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Groot Brittanië
Michael Burling
15 jan. 2014
80 Minuten
Sport Ladz