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Under My Skin Part 2 DVD (S)

Studio: Raging Stallion
Speciale prijs € 27,83 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 08028D
Celebrated, rough and rugged gay adult producer Raging Stallion Studios is proud to announce the release of the second part of 'Under My Skin'. Part two of this ink-infused fuck fest takes fans deeper into the hard core tattoo parlors and shadowy back alleys where anonymous men meet to satisfy their most primal urges. The sensation of penetration is indelible: once experienced, it changes the attitude of every man at his core. Relenting control gives way to a release unlike any other, just as enduring the sting of a tattoo machine penetrating beneath the skin yields a lifetime of gratification. In Under My Skin, Part 2, directors document spontaneous, anonymous, testosterone-drenched sex featuring nine horny studs for whom ink is an irresistible aphrodisiac!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Steve Cruz
14 sep. 2014
97 Minuten