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Twinks Destroyed DVDR (NC)

€ 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 08798D
Deze DVD wordt zonder plastic hoes verstuurd. U ontvangt de disc en de inlay!

Don’t worry – we don’t literally destroy the likes of Yuri Adamov, Jaro Stone and Kurt Maddox for your entertainment! But when it comes to getting cute young beauties stretched to the max by some of the biggest, hardest dicks in the biz then, rest assured, this latest STAXUS offering doesn’t disappoint. Horny and hungry for action, these tight twink asses get slain on the sword of thick, meaty cock time and time again, culminating in a veritable cascade of satisfying boy-goo! These kinky little angels will never be the same again ...

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
John Smith, Michael Burling
17 dec. 2014
93 Minuten