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Studio: Falcon
€ 29,75
Op voorraad
SKU 03365M
It's all hands on dick when it comes to pulling off the perfect 'Trade Show', so roll up your sleeves and put some sweat into it! Gorgeous stud Cade Maddox and hot co-worker Kyle Fletcher are the first of their team to arrive in Las Vegas for the annual Adult Toy & Novelty Show. Employed by the world's top manufacturer of pleasure products, the two marketers know a thing or two about stiffening cocks and filling holes. And, by sharing hotel rooms, they're always able to test out the merchandise -- and each other. Handsome and thick-dicked Andre Donovan and insatiable bottom Jkab Ethan Dale have a similar work ethic, always going the extra distance for continued professional success. In fact, they head right from the airport to the back entrance of the company's trade booth to check out both the signage and the stock of promotional giveaways before checking out each other. Back at the hotel, superstar staff members DeAngelo Jackson and Brogan have checked-in to their shared room, giving them the opportunity to fuck bareback, swap cum and rest up for the busy couple of days ahead. But who says hard work doesn't pay off? Formidable company CEO Sean Xavier is always eager to show his nine inches of appreciation to full-time assistant Kane Fox, who's also invited twunky project coordinators Vincent O'Reilly and Grant Ducati over to help keep the boss-man happy.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Steve Cruz
30 jun. 2023
164 Minuten