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Tight Ends DVD (S)

Studio: Helix
€ 39,75 Reward Points Loader
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SKU 13934D
Special guest director Colby Chambers filmed these four bareback, fuck filled, football fantasy scenes with all your favourite Helix hotties. These sexed up scenes are stuffed to the bursting point with football boys bareback banging their tasty teammates till they score seed splashing touchdowns! This sport lovers fantasy has it ALL, with two scenes of twosomes and the others scenes are stunning indoor AND outdoor orgies packed with the biggest boned twinks and hottest bubble butts we’ve got! These country dudes are all on the same team and always initiate newbies nasty and naughty. Jailbait Joey Mills soon finds out when the footballers ALL ball HIM in the back of a pick up truck in a fuck filled field! Several other superstars are on this dick heavy dream team as well like: Sean Ford, Zach Taylor, Colton James and colossal cocked Corbin Colby, who tops AND bottoms in this epic epic lust letter to jock lovers everywhere. Fucking is DEFINITELY a team sport for these fantasy football boys! Ultra hot gay twink bareback DVD!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Colby Chambers
7 dec. 2018
78 Minuten