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Three is AGAIN The Fucking Magic Number! DOWNLOAD

Studio: Staxus
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 03209M
We’ve all long since known that two is good, but three is better; and to prove the point here’s another collection of top-notch spit-roasting classics from some of the hottest, horniest punks ever to grace the Staxus label. Fornicating in the bedroom, or copulating like animals in the woods, these lads aren’t content unless there’s more than one dick on offer; with a fantastic array of talent on display including Lucas Drake, David Hollister, Luke Volta, and a whole host of other multi-talented trio-loving beauties all in tip-top bareback form. No question about it, these horned-up fuckers love spit-roasting and sharing holes as much as anyone; and with a 24 cum-shots to savour, you’re guaranteed a blizzard of pent-up spunk of your own!