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#Thomas Fucks DVDR (NC)

Studio: Triga
€ 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16619D
Holiday of a lifetime they advertised it as! Those fucking cunts on the internet are a lying bunch of fuckers! Five star? My arse fucking five star, stunning pool and a fucking room with a view the cunts told me! Mr. Big has just been on a sunshine fun-filled holiday with his mates, lots of fit birds and fucking food like proper real burgers…..well apparently! 14 miles from the city center and not quite what was advertised on the website, Mr Big digs out his phone and googles for a bit of local culture, all he could find is two locals who end up showing him more than their leaning tower of ‘Pisa’ and their hanging gardens of Babylon…..Welcome to Triga Films' cultural tour of all things foreign! Oh and back again. : REET PROPA TOON ' tagged, slotted, and busted Not great telling the check-in desk bird the only dangerous item on your return trip home is your python sized explosive cock in your pants now is it!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
18 apr. 2023
90 Minuten