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The Italian Job Part 2 DVDR (NC)

Studio: Staxus Platinum
€ 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 07300D
Deze DVD wordt zonder plastic hoes verstuurd. U ontvangt de disc en de inlay!

Director, John Smith, and his hand of hot and horny cock lovers continue their blisteringly hot Italian vacation – and once again the sights and sounds of the Mediterranean are eclipsed by a seemingly never-ending array of ass and cock! Damian Dickey, Timmy Taylor and Benjamin Dunn are just three of the poolside dudes who turn this sun-worshipping holiday into a dick-worshipping frenzy; as the heady mix of heat and raw naked flesh once again turns the boys from the Czech Republic into the cum-crazed sluts we’ve long since known and loved!

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
John Smith
14 okt. 2013
100 Minuten