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Sweet Quickies DVD

Speciale prijs € 24,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
Op voorraad
SKU 17027D
Sometimes it’s good to linger and enjoy sexual encounters. Other times – as is the case in this fabulous offering from Dirty Boy Desires – it’s simply much better to go with the “smash and grab” technique. See a horny young lad, enjoy a quick fuck, then run. It’s a technique that’s been followed by generations of twinks; and it’s one that the likes of Tyler Woods, Gabriel Phoenix and Ollie Blue adopt time and again here, as they relish the delights of sweet fresh flesh at breakneck speed. Don’t worry though, you’re gonna get to see every close-up detail of these filthy encounters; and there’s no doubt in our minds that you’ll be wanking yourself to oblivion long before these horny little sluts are dumping their sticky loads over each other!
Verenigd Koningkrijk
17 nov. 2023
98 Minuten