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Socks & Jocks DVDR (NC)

Studio: Boy Crush
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 13030D
Very hot and barely legal US teens in hot bareback action! Soccer practice is over, now it's time for the real fun to start with friends Ricky and Seth! Still wearing their socks and sexy little shorts the boys reveal their hard pulsating cocks for each other, sharing their boners in some great oral. With all that sucking getting the oozing juice it's no wonder they're soon moving on to something more horny, with fit county boy Ricky sliding his naked length up into that perfect young sporty boy hole! With some deep fucking all over the bed and plenty of butt slapping thrusts he's soon pulling out to squirt his load up that crack! He makes a great mess, but Seth's wanked out fountain of cum looks even bigger!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Bryan Kenny
5 dec. 2017
80 Minuten
Boy Crush