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Slap My Ass DVD (S)

Studio: Bare Twinks
Speciale prijs € 24,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 17153D

Some lads like their action to have a little bit of forceful kink – just to add a bit of bang to their buck, so to speak. It’s a fact that the folks at Bare Twinks seem to totally understand; as they gather together a fine collection of like-minded buddies for the kind of wanton suck-and-fuck-fest that wet dreams are made of; featuring the likes of Jasper Robinson, Kyler Moss and Jayson Steel, as they take on a storming sexual ride that will have you reaching for the tissues in next to no time. Seriously, these boys are smoking hot; and it’s no time at all before each and every one of them is making the most of the chance to grind and paddle their way to their next orgasmic high. All of which soon results in a blistering, unforgiving spray of cum!

Verenigde Staten van Amerika
6 feb. 2024
81 Minuten
Bare Twinks