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Sharp Shooters DVD (NC)

Studio: Triga
Speciale prijs € 17,38 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16128D
Andy Lee and his fit mate Doug are back pumped and primed and teamed up again for another power-wank session! First seen in Triga’s Saturday Nite Special and last seen together in Fuckin Gangstas these two fit-as-fuck straight lads have been working out big time and piled on the muscle and poured on the ink - horny man tatts and more beef than an Argentine cattle ranch and it don’t cum much more prime than these two horny lads! Aaron Baines (also featured in Union Jack Off) is the kind of gas-fitter everyone wants to cum round and fix their dodgy old boiler especially when he turns up armed with a big fat dildo. Call it lockdown fever - call it what you want but he gives customer Scott Morrison a filthy fuckin’ dildo session he ain’t gonna forget in a hurry - the dirty bastards! He loves it every second. And to top it off Sharp Shooters finishes off with rough as they cum northern lad Mancsniper (also featured in Triga’s Union Jack Off) 'knockin’ a big one out for you! So cum on lads get your cocks out and get your hands on this new film- be a Star Shooter and blow your load all over Triga.
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
19 mei 2022
90 Minuten