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Rump Rangers DVDR (NC)

€ 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 15250D
We've always wanted to get Guzzo to tap an ass. Of course when we first mentioned it to him he wasn't too keen on the idea because he'd never really given fucking a guy in the ass too much thought before. As the months of knowing him have worn on, we've come to realize that there's not too much that Guzzo won't do in bed now that his horizons have been opened a little. So time for that ass tapping we've been dreaming of huh? You got it. As luck would have it we met a new guy a few weeks back named Steve. Steve is a young gay man who recently moved to Phoenix and doesn't know too many people yet. Steve is adorable with a nice lean body and eager attitude and oh yah one more thing - he loves to get fucked! Loves it. So we had Steve come down for a surprise shoot with Guzzo. As the two of them met for the first time on camera the magic (and lust) was so thick you could've cut it with a knife. This was Steve's first video and I guess we broke him in right. Can't wait for the next episode...hehe.
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Doug and Jay
28 okt. 2020
90 Minuten