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Rugby Orgy: Reboot-18 DVD (NC)

Studio: Triga
Speciale prijs € 8,75 Normale prijs € 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 16647D
This film scores a dropkick with a fuck off orgy session after a game of Rugby. Remember wanking off to Hull Kingston Rovers this Triga fuck fest takes it a lot fucking further. Watch as the lads get their balls out, shower and fuck! Watch as the tattooed blonde lad in his stinking mud stained yellow socks gets it up his hole while the scrum half gets his sweaty arse-hole rammed nice an hard. Meanwhile, another up an under on the go as the fit ref gets his tight arse banged by various members of the Rugby team. There s so much spunk dribbling down his face he can hardly see the fucking ball LOL. Or the fit skinhead with his best mate doing weights after the game. His bird she can fuckin wait as its time to score a conversion or a penalty try up his tight fucking hole. What the fuck. Fit horny lads dripping cum as they cant suck cock fast enough and why not. There's plenty to fuckin choose from here. This film is definitely a must see as its Triga at its best. Real British blokes in fuck off Rugby kit getting steamed up and into the team spirit Triga style. Twickenham won't be the fucking same after watching this as your hands will be straight down your boxers lads ready to knock one out. You know the score. Triga at its fucking best.
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
11 apr. 2023
90 Minuten