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Rod's Room 9 DVD (S)

Studio: Rod's Room
€ 49,75
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SKU 16849D
This scene was fucking incredible. Ben Masters and Derek Kage looked incredible in their football gear, and seeing Ben's face light up when he saw himself in the whole getup was completely priceless. Ben Masters really is one of the best new bottoms out there and watching him take a cock is a work of art. Derek Kage may have fallen in love after Ben gave him the ride of a lifetime. This is definitely not one to miss! There's something about seeing these tan hotties in the sun that just makes me go crazy. I mean, who wouldn't with the sexy Evan Knoxx and the studly Trevor Brooks in their presence? I had to tease them before letting them finally fuck, y'know? But oh my God, once Trevor finally topped Evan? Sparks flew.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
17 aug. 2023
91 Minuten
Rod's Room