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The DVD starts with the popular top Antonio Biaggi breeding newcomer Leonardo from Brazil. This little bottom knows how to take Antonio's 11-inch dick so well, that he makes him to bust his nut deep inside boy's hole and breed him nicely--with lots of cum oozing out from this stretched hole! We continue with famous bottom Remy Mars taking the thickest dick ever; we're talking about Kacorot's thick tool. Kacorot fucks Remy so well and at the end shoots his load inside Remy's ass--another cream pie! Then, adorable bottom Lil' Papi is getting fucked by the 13 inches monster meat of Lyon XXL. He drills sweet Papi's little ass and shoots his load all over Papi's face at the end. Scene 4 finds Maseo and Angyl having real chemistry! Maseo fucks the hell out of Angyl's great ass. Even after Maseo dumps his load inside him, he keeps fucking and make that ass nice wet and juicy, lubed by his own seed. The final scene is with two friends, Wet Dream and Truth. At the end Truth shoots nice load all over the cute bottom's face.