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Professional Fuckers DVD

Studio: Staxus
Speciale prijs € 19,75 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16946D
2DVD Set! Whether they’re suited and booted, or uniformed up, you can be sure that this collection of horny fuckers won’t be in their kit for long. In fact, the likes of Kris Blent, Ron Negba and Milan Sharp can’t wait to strip off to enjoy every meaty inch that they’ve got for each other; taking full advantage of every situation to quit their working commitments to suck cock and fuck ass like it’s the only thing they ever want to do. The result is a top notch compilation of some of the hottest Staxus action ever captured on film; with arses stretched to the max time and again, before these handsome, uncut dicks squirt a plethora of jizz in every direction. Leaving everyone drenched and happy, and providing you with the best wank fodder ever!
24 okt. 2023
188 Minuten