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Parfums Erotiques (Nomades V) DVD (S)

Studio: Cadinot
Speciale prijs € 27,83 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 09611D
Two young tourists get lost near the south Meditarranean coast, but soon find their way to the cruisy backstreets after a chance encounter with a policeman who's all too ready to help. Imagine two young tourists freshly arrived on the south Mediterranean coast. They think they know everything but end up getting lost in the middle of the night on a ringroad in the suburbs. Put in the same situation anyone would be happy to meet a policeman to show these two hot guys the right way, even the long way round, so that they end up finding their bearings. Welcome to a new journey to the land of honey and spices - where eroticism rules over every situation. We cruise along the beach to the serenity of massage parlours where nobody's far from a chance encounter on the way home from university lectures. Anything's possible if you're discreet and, once you've had your pleasure, life goes on! This is the fifth stop along the way for Cadinot's initial journey in the jasmin-scented gardens of Eden, and the backstreets - flowing with turmeric, cumin, orange flowers and mint tea. Don't hesitate to get stuck in to the taste of seduction and become intoxicated by the steam from these thousand and one erotic flavours.
Jean-Daniel Cadinot
2 jun. 2015
120 Minuten