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Mallorca's Fuck Fest DVD

Studio: Twink Heritage
€ 39,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16926D
Did the sun go to their heads? Or were always this horny? That’s the question you might be asking yourselves as Twink Heritage bring together a fabulous remastered holiday classic, featuring some of the hottest, horniest young pups on a trip to Majorca. It’s possibly their first time away from home, but the likes of Jamie Berlin, Igor Lucas and Alexandre Lemonde are determined to make the most of the opportunity; sucking and fucking at every given opportunity, including by the side of a pool, and on the deck of a boat. Outdoor fun has never looked so appealing for sure; with those meaty schlongs soon dishing out a tsunami of spunk to make this one joyful vacation that neither you or them are ever going to forget in a hurry!
26 sep. 2023
118 Minuten