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Little Love Affairs DVD (S)

Speciale prijs € 24,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 16796D
Young love has always been particularly special – a fact that the guys at Dirty Boys Desires are only too happy to make the most of as they team together a collection of loved-up buddies on the very cusp of manhood. Of course, whether it’s actually love or lust that’s fuelling these handsome young beauties is subject to debate. What we can tell you with some degree of certainty, however, is that you’re bound to fall head over heels for these handsome babes. Lads like Tyler Bradley, Devon Pryce and Brent Lockhart, who have the kind of thick, meaty boners that are perfect for porn; and who produce the kind of high octane, cum-inducing spectacle that’ll have you creaming in no time. In short, a top-notch twink classic all round!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
11 jul. 2023
96 Minuten