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Kiss Today Goodbye DVDR (NC)

€ 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 15772D
Vintage gay XXX action on DVD! All the ingredients are there; our heroes are each stuck in bad relationships. Then, through an accident of fate, they find each other only to have life's complications stand in their way. But this being gay porn, our two heroes are George Payne and Lew Seager. Payne plays a blue-collar construction worker living with his nagging, bitchy, manipulative (but always ready for dick) roommate. Seager is a suit and tie guy with a suburban life made miserable by his shrew of a wife. When Payne and Seager meet one rainy afternoon, the attraction between the two is immediate, but the only exchange made is each other's phone number. At home, Payne has to endure a litany of complaints from his roommate, but does get to fuck him in the shower. Seager has to endure similar complaints, but has to jerk himself off. Each man thinks of calling the other, but doesn't. Opportunity knocks, however, when Payne's roommate goes away for the weekend. Payne invites Seager to his apartment and they fuck in front of a roaring fire, trading blowjobs before Payne tops Seager. Sometime after, Seager calls for Payne, but the roommate answers and figures out what's going on. The roommate invites Seager to Payne's birthday party and sets it up for one of the guests to go straight for Seager's zipper right in front of Payne. Payne blows a gasket, enraged with jealousy at seeing Seager's dick in another man's mouth. While Payne and Seager go into the bedroom to talk things over, Payne's roommate and two other guests get busy in the living room. Soon, Payne and Seager have things worked out and they make love. The next morning, however, Payne wakes up alone with only a note on the pillow next to him. So, how does it end? You'll have to see for yourself.
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Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Francis Ellie
12 nov. 2021
66 Minuten