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Huge 2 (Remastered) DOWNLOAD

Studio: Falcon
€ 29,75
Op voorraad
SKU 03260M
Big dicks reign supreme in this final reissue of ‘Huge #2’ featuring improved video quality and new bonus scenes. In ‘Power Play’, the incredible, hung Lee Ryder once again demonstrates where the movie gets its title when he drills Mike Stoker poolside with his thick 10 inches of cock. ‘The Biker and the Gymnast’ stars Peter Hanson, a gymnast who greets his longtime fuck-buddy, Andy Fuller, wearing nothing but a jock-strap, a tan and a big grin. Andy tears away at the jock with his teeth and soon has his thick ass-packer doing exactly what it does best! ‘Overload’ shows burly Steve Sprague barreling along the highway in his truck thinking how, when he reaches his destination, he'd like to snatch himself a hot piece of man-ass to fuck raw, and he does, when he finds Chris Randall. After a sweaty workout and run in a local park, muscular athlete Doug Miller returns home to shower and nap. But when he walks into the bedroom he surprises his roommate, darkly handsome, tattooed Chuck Powell who’s jacking off on the bed.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
25 nov. 2022
95 Minuten