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Hell Hour: Wrapped Tied Meat DVDR (NC)

€ 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 14093D
This has surely crossed your mind at least once, the fantasy of being tied up in a factory and being used by an English Master. Jasper Rhodes deep down enjoys all the torment Master Aaron puts him through. CBT is the first meal of the day as his balls are trapped in a vice whilst being slapped and ran over by the 3 wheeled wartenberg wheel. But if you thought this torture was hot enough, just wait to see how he reacts to the gas fueled heater that's pointed straight at his naked body. Clearly by now anyone would be trying to escape and calling the police, but this pale-bodied twink endures more torture as he's mummified and breath controlled on the table. All this before being moved to another area of the warehouse where he ends up being fucked and pissed on.
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Timmy Treasure
19 feb. 2019
46 Minuten