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Hard To Resist DOWNLOAD

Speciale prijs € 14,75 Normale prijs € 24,75
Op voorraad
SKU 01214M
A handsome face and a toned, muscular body is Hard To Resist at the best of times, but when that fit, young guy has a dick to die for, abstinence is not an option! In the bedroom, in the sauna and even in the Jacuzzi, resistance is futile as pheromones are released and lustful thoughts burrow to the forefront of your mind. These guys give in to their passion as they stroke, caress and kiss each other, taking their time to enjoy the contours of each other before a fat dick is consumed and feasted upon. Flip flop cock sucking is only the prelude to a balls-deep fucking that everyone wants and whether it’s just two guys alone or four fuck-buddies getting down and dirty with each other, the result is the same – exhausting satisfaction and a shed-load of spunk being spilled! Twelve guys in scenes of 100% bare and raw action that you can’t afford to miss!
10 jun. 2015
95 Minuten