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Hard Lesson DVDR (NC)

Studio: Yesirboys
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 13014D
Hot UK guys in some serious bondage and toy play action. Combined with plenty hard bareback fuck action, this DVD is a must have!

Clyde Walton’s curiosity always gets him in trouble. This time he’s looking around restricted areas and finds Master Aaron enjoying his rock hard cock over a magazine filled with steamy hot boys.
 Aaron spots voyeur Clyde who’s gotten himself hard by watching Aaron play. 

Dirty slut Koby Lewis is closing down the bar and tells last customer Jack Taylor to leave.
Jack doesn’t have to listen to anything a hungry cum slut like Koby tells him, so he pushes him up against the wall and edges him hard until he lets him cum all over the floor, making the bar dirty again....

The Always horny Cody Jay is chilling with his friend Nik in their home when they decide to invite a fuck toy over from an online dating app. What starts as a naughty idea soon turns out in a an unexpected surprise for Kai who quickly forgets about the whole situation when he sees their throbbing rock...

Dirty cum slut Leon Teal finds himself cuffed to a staircase in a shady back alley. Master Aaron finds him and uses his mouth and hungry hole, fucking him hard with his massive hard cock in multiple positions. He blows his load all over Leon’s slutty face, ending this hot sex scene with a great facial....

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
Claude Nikotine
23 nov. 2017
105 Minuten