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Gutter Punks DVD (S)

Studio: Hot House
Speciale prijs € 29,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 09539D
These punk ass studs never get their minds out of the gutter. They're Gutter Punks and they spread their mischief, their legs and hot asses in the darkest and seediest alleys. Director Nick Foxx puts the emphasis on ass and tags this feature with sexy and gritty trouble makers who love spraying their loads on whatever or whoever will take them. Darius Ferdynand takes watch while mischievous Ryan Rose tags an alley door, then he lets Ryan tag his hot ass. Horned up, sexy bad asses Nick Sterling and Tyler Wolf mark their territory with spray paint, but it's not long before they're claiming each other in a dark alley flip fuck. Hunky and furry Hunter Marx leave his mark on tatted, punk Drake Shooter, who takes it from every angle and shoots a hot load. Hooligan Ryan Rose sprays his street art and then sprays his built up load on cock-hungry, power bottom Colt Rivers. When you encounter these Gutter Punks be ready for rough, intense action in the darkest and dirtiest of places that will have you shooting your loads all over the walls.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Nick Foxx
27 mei 2015
75 Minuten
Hot House