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Gaymers (Boy Crush) DVDR (NC)

Studio: Boy Crush
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 13862D
Cute US twinks in bareback action on this great gay boy DVD! Who in their right mind would rather play computer games than fuck the cum out of gorgeous friend Ashton? Ethan might need a little persuading to drop the controller, but once his attention is in the right place he doesn't hold back. With his thick tool slurped to full hardness and Ashton's eager little rump licked out he slides his solid boner into his buddy and rams him, fucking him over the edge of the bed, on his back and riding too until the boy is jerking out his juice and getting the cream from Ethan's impressive dick. That's a high score if ever I saw one!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
29 nov. 2018
90 Minuten
Boy Crush