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Futsal Flings DVDR (NC)

Studio: Sport Ladz
€ 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 13256D
Indoor soccer gets the STAXUS treatment, as director John Smith takes a bevy of the best players on the books to the local sports-hall for a much needed kick around. Except, of course, football’s pretty much the last thing on the mind of these horned-up buddies; as the likes of Orri Gaul, Rudy Stone and Max Grey quickly strip out of their kits to savour the hard delights that only a twink in full rut can give. So get ready for the referee’s whistle; as our boys play the game of their lives in the form of hard cocked action and oodles of hot, creamy spunk!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
John Smith
8 mrt. 2018
94 Minuten
Sport Ladz