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Fraternity Fantasies: Pledges Strike Back DVD (S)

Speciale prijs € 29,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 17037D
Brandon Anderson is the new pledgemaster and he has a fresh group of pledges to whip into shape. But first, some good old-fashioned fraternity fun. With the help of Fraternity President Elliot Finn, Brandon teaches Masyn Thorne and Carter DelRey about the bonds of brotherhood. Zayne Bright has had enough: Gabe Bradshaw keeps kicking him out of their dorm to hookup with other guys! So Zayne puts his foot down. But when Gabe wants to invite Harley Xavier to hookup, things get heated between Zayne and Gabe. Des Ires and his boyfriend Max Lorde are sick of being picked on during pledge week at fraternity. So Des creates a plan to stand up to pledge masters Jayden Marcos and Nico Coopa. But, will it succeed? Or just make things worse? College friends Jonathan Tylor, Masyn Thorne and Cameron Neuton are about to graduate and go on to their separate lives. But Jonathan wants to do one last thing to celebrate before they finally go out into the real world. We all know what happens next... right?
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
24 nov. 2023
126 Minuten