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Fisting Wrecked Holes DVDR (NC)

Speciale prijs € 9,88 Normale prijs € 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 14920D
As the title suggests these boys holes are going to be opened even further! Cute James wanted to be abducted and abused: face fucked, spat on, pissed on, fucked and fisted! He didn't care, he wanted his captives to use him any way they could think of, and they did!

Sexy Russian twink Kaspar's dream was to be kidnapped, used and tortured!! And we made his fantasy come true! Hard bareback action, fisting, pissing, cum control, torture…we didn’t miss a thing! Our 2 Dom studs destroyed his asshole in every way! Then the director joined in on the fun for the boys final fantasy!

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
22 jun. 2020
137 Minuten