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Drunk On Cum: The Collection DOWNLOAD

Studio: Treasure Island
€ 49,75
Op voorraad
SKU 02019DL
For years Paul Morris, Treasure Island Media's visionary founder and owner, has documented his passion for cocksucking and cocksuckers in the landmark swallow series Drunk On Cum (DOC). Now, for the first time and by popular demand, the studio has collected Volumes 1 through 5 in a single box set.

An encyclopedic celebration of man's mouth as a primary sex organ, Drunk On Cum has everything from group oral-orgies to man-to-man cock-worship sessions, from gullet-stretching deep throating to ball sac tongue-baths, from total oral cumwhores sucking off any and every cock dangled in front of them to newbie cum-swallowers slurpin' a fresh hot load down their gullets. This mouth-wide-open, cum-eating, swallow-that-load-down spoogeapalooza is guaranteed to top anything you've seen.

Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Paul Morris
7 apr. 2014
590 Minuten