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Dream Team DVDR (NC)

Studio: Staxus Platinum
Speciale prijs € 9,88 Normale prijs € 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 07425D
Deze DVD wordt zonder plastic hoes verstuurd. U ontvangt de disc en de inlay!

Life in the changing room can be an exciting place – and even more so if you’re a member of the ultimate exclusive club, the Dream Team. These boys can expect the hottest sex with the horniest guys – lads like Dave Circus, Paul Walker and Lucas Davidson, who live for dick and who spend every minute off-pitch pumping ass. Indeed, ball-play takes on a whole new meaning here, and rest assured your wrist is in for a serious workout throughout. When the final whistle sounds, your wad will have been long since blown!

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Groot Brittanië
Michael Burling
4 dec. 2013
117 Minuten