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Da Vinci Load 2 DVD

Studio: PZP Productions
Speciale prijs € 24,75 Normale prijs € 39,75
Op voorraad
SKU 10177D
In a world that had gone totally to hell, all hope had been lost by mankind as dark fell upon our twinks. But a new whirlwind of man-stench was about to blow... and their names were Da Vinci and Schlong. One was looking for redemption... and good hair products; and the other for a tight hole to thrust his 11 X 8 ramrod into. In our time of need, they will come together to save the world from horny Nazi's, the anti-Christ and bad porno cliches. Their only weapon: their hard cocks! Payback this time is for real, girlfriend!
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Peter Z. Pan
20 jul. 2015
135 Minuten