Deze website bevat expliciet sexueel materiaal, zoals afbeeldingen en video-fragmenten van seksuele handelingen.
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At this exclusive private school for young men there are no girls. So the young men, their bodies bursting with the desire to express their "needs" develop a fluid sexuality. They easily find attention from the other guys, who are in the same state of heat, and they become enamored with the beauty of youth and male desire. There is love and unrequited desire. All the students want to get close to Martin, the young and oh so straight Big Man on campus that they all want to taste and explore. And what would private school be without an overly stern "campus comp" who abuses his privileges of the job and the hot young twinks in his charge. These twelve innocents are easy prey for this sexual stud and his powerful equipment. But school days are fun days especially when sexy guys are studying the same courses you are. Especially intercourses - where everyone gets an A Plus! Jean Daniel Cadinot created this genre of film and polishes this story like a true master.
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.