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Eric Vespucci finds himself in a dimly lit bar on the rough side of town. He`s approached by two intimidating men wearing leather jackets and hard, yet beautiful faces. They are obviously looking for someone to submit to their raw male power and Eric is willing, but scared, to submit. They pillage the handsome Eric and ravage his hungry body. They drag him into the alley so he can be the whore he so desperately needs to be. He fully submits as his ass is plowed open and his mouth stretched by their huge throbbing cocks! But`s all a dream! He awakens, exhausted, and covered in his own sweat and cum. That experience forces him to stop working on his script idea and clear his mind with a bike ride in the country. While there he runs into some police. They throw him into custody on false charges where he is strip searched by a brigade of horny young cops, their cocks getting hard at the sight of him weak yet hungry for their power. Eric doesn`t know where he is by this point. He no longer know if his ass is getting filled over and over for real, if those giant cocks he is sucking that he feels gushing into his mouth and on his face are real. Fantasy and reality has become blurred and he realizes that his purpose in life is to be a submissive. To serve powerful men. Is this all a fantasy? Who cares!
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