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Coming of Age: Tapes 1-5 DVD (S)

Studio: Gaycest
Speciale prijs € 34,75 Normale prijs € 49,75
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SKU 17197D

The path that each boy goes through in his journey to manhood is filled with learning, growth, and fraught with twists and turns. In Carnal Media’s Gaycest, such is the case for the quickly maturing sons of Dr. Legrand Wolf and his best friend Bishop Angus. As they discover their budding sexuality, they are lucky enough to have two very experienced men to guide them and look up to. As a practicing physician, Dr. Wolf gives his sons Lukas and Richie hands-on lessons on the human body. When Mr. Angus finds out his jockstrap-loving son Marcus is gay, he makes sure to schedule an appointment with the good doctor so that all involved can learn as much about each other as they can. Homemade, raw, and real, Gaycest explores the bonds of father/sons relationships like nothing else can!

Verenigde Staten van Amerika
5 mrt. 2024
116 Minuten