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Caught DVDR (NC)

Studio: Boy Crush
€ 17,50
Op voorraad
SKU 14790D
Great bareback DVD from Boy Crush with 5 scenes of cheating twinks getting caught and fucked!

If you caught sexy young stars James and Jason about to enjoy some rampant bareback action in the bedroom you'd want to join in too, right? Young Dylan doesn't have to ask, the shaggy-haired hottie is soon jumping into the mix and sharing an insanely hot mutual cock sucking with his friends.

Darron is enjoying a nice jack off in his bedroom when he discovers he's being spied on from the closet. Little pervert James has been enjoying the show and recording it for later, but when he's caught he can't wait to get that big juicy dick in his mouth.

Young Dylan has been cheating, kind of. The shaggy-haired little hottie has a brand new toy, a big veiny dildo for his hot little ass, and he's been fucking himself with it while his lover boy Payton has been at work. Strangely, Payton isn't impressed when he catches his lover fucking his hole with that thing, his cock is definitely bigger than the toy he's using and he knows how to put it all right with his own big bareback cock.

If you could watch stunning blond boy Justin in the shower you would, right? Payton's big cock likes the display, but he's gonna get more than a look when Justin spies him watching. When the two get to the bedroom Justin is on that big dick, sucking his hot voyeur and savoring the taste of his enormous appendage.

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
5 mei 2020
105 Minuten
Boy Crush