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Cam Bang! DVDR (NC)

Studio: Bare
€ 34,75 Reward Points Loader
Op voorraad
SKU 14982D
On this DVD the Staxus boys sure do enjoy their cam shows, maybe too much? Starting off with Rami and Tyler who soon are balls deep in the action, Rami with his cock exposed for Tyler to enjoy, to a 69 in anticipation of the brutal fuck that yet is to come these boys put on one hell of a show! For the second scene, Danny Jones gets his fair share of Rami also! who doesn't doubt to go deep and hard on the blond twinks ass. Nick happens to find himself a muscle twink, who soon he'll be worshiping like a god! No surprise Nick is on his knees for quite a while! And finally John and Danny get some foot fetish action before ending up covered in cum!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
John Smith
11 aug. 2020
93 Minuten