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Bouncers: Reboot DVDR (NC)

Studio: Triga
Speciale prijs € 19,75 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16524D
Is Your Name On the Guest List? If It ain’t you’re in real big trouble mate! These men are cropped and skinned, inked and pierced and they are all as fit as a butcher’s dog! It only takes one idiot to try his luck with this bunch of bruisers. So, you start talking back to a bunch of heavy set doormen and you always know who’s gonna’ win the argument. Bad move. Some lads never learn and the beefy uniformed guys who run the club have to teach them a lesson they def gonna enjoy!

This movie feature two of the horniest, spunk spattered orgy scenes in Triga’s stable of films. So, if you like to see your tops in white shirts, ties and the rest of the uniform gear performing their manly stud duties this is one for you! Our Bouncers are just pure sex and we thought it was time to give them a Reboot! 3 hours of Prime British Beef in a new editors take on a British Classic Like you have never seen it before.

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
14 feb. 2023
120 Minuten