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Big Boys Don't Cry When They Fuck Twinks Raw DVDR (NC)

Studio: Staxus
€ 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 12272D

2DVD Set! What are we always told? Big boys don’t cry! And to prove the point, STAXUS have brought together a collection of the “biggest” boys on the block – and do you know what? They don’t so much as shed a tear! The same may not be able to be said about the poor young guys they spend the entire duration of this 2-disc epic fucking, however. The likes of Ruben Bart and Noah Matous, whose butt-holes have to accommodate these monster schlongs; and who are left quite literally dripping with spunk when these studs have had their satisfaction! But no need pity them. When these horned-up bitches get banged raw, you can rest assured that they’re having the fucking time of their lives!

This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
John Smith
8 feb. 2017
304 Minuten