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Bet On It DVD

Speciale prijs € 34,75 Normale prijs € 49,75
Op voorraad
SKU 17120D
MMA fighters Taylor Clemons (Christian Wilde) and Jaiden Beltran (Troy Accola) have beef and the only place to take care of it is in the Octagon. They're ready to pound it out in their upcoming blockbuster fight. Well, they were ready, until a more lucrative prospect presents itself. During the reading of his father's will, Erik VanMarkens (Harley Xavier) is shocked to hear that despite being his father's only son, he is not the primary beneficiary of his will. That honor goes to Mr. Humbert VanMarken's stepbrother, Randy Culver (Dale Savage). Erik is curious, and angry, as to why Randy is put in the lucrative position.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
12 jan. 2024
79 Minuten