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2DVD Set with great twink bareback porn action featuring the blondest boys around! Blond boys have more fun, so they say – and to put the adage to the test we’ve put together a collection of sixteen of the hottest, horniest fair-headed lads from the Staxus vaults for you to savour over and over again. Featuring Timmy Williams, Jacob Dolce, Nick Fox, and a whole myriad of other fresh-faced beauties, this three hour extravaganza will have you jerking off in next to no time; as one gorgeous, barely-legal looking twink after the next engages in the kind of red-hot, raw action that wet dreams are made of. Sucking, rimming, fucking, and enjoying load after sticky load from each other’s well-loaded balls, these boys know exactly how to enjoy themselves in a way that brunets could arguably never begin to imagine!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.