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Barely Legally Blond 2 DOWNLOAD

Studio: Staxus
€ 24,75
Op voorraad
SKU 03316M
We already know that the legion of Staxus blond boys are always ready for fun, but just in case there’s any doubts about that we’ve gathered together another fine collection of horned up beauties for you to enjoy. Lads like Jamie Calvin and Rob Nielsen, who are more than happy to prove that their so-called unmanly blondness seems to attract cock like moths to a flame. Add in a bit of black cock for contrast, and you have the makings of a classic collection of handsome sluts who will literally do anything to have the time of their lives. All in all, a three hour plus bonanza that will appeal to anyone who loves to watch fair-headed beauts sucking, fucking, and generally acting like the sluts they were always born to be!
John Smith
3 mrt. 2023
200 Minuten