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Banging Builders: Extra Time DVDR (NC)

Studio: Triga
Speciale prijs € 19,75 Normale prijs € 34,75
Op voorraad
SKU 16745D
150 Minutes of uncut extra builders cock! Cum on lads there’s work to be done as once again Triga presents another toolbox classic! Trigas Banging Builders gets the job done as the fit fitter gets well and truly plastered whilst chiselled Welsh lad Russell bangs away in a horny fuck fest. At the same time Yorkshire boy Darren does wonders with his paint brush as Scouse lad Dean gets drilled up his arse. There is plenty of fucking and sucking going on in this house as the builders fill every hole and sort out all the arses. These working class lads get to grips with the building project and each other as arses take a hammering and cocks get rock hard. Never mind the dust this place is covered in fucking spunk . So if you like the usual Triga mix of lads next door normal sexy blokes then Banging Builders is definitely for you. Hard hats at the ready lads !
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigd Koningkrijk
6 jun. 2023
150 Minuten