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Ass Invaders DVD (S)

Studio: Club Inferno
Speciale prijs € 27,83 Normale prijs € 39,75
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SKU 17078D
Aliens aren’t just invading Earth – they’re invading our holes! When two men are discovered in the middle of the night at an alien abduction site, it’s all hands on deck to ensure they haven’t been implanted with the eggs of an unknown extraterrestrial threat. Government medical professionals Dominic Pacifico and Apollo Fates have been assigned to decontaminate Andrew Foenix and extract the tentacle-like creature that’s overtaken his insides. After using their fists to fully remove the lifeform from the civilian’s hairy ass, Andrew is charged with examining the doctors’ holes in fear that they could have been exposed to spores from the invasive alien beings. Next, medics Archer Croft and Brock Kniles are exterminating any potential creatures living inside WreX Wylde. With his hole completely gaping, the doctors fist him at the same time and, once he’s prolapsed, Dr. Croft takes his tongue to the patient’s protruding rosebud to see if he can taste any eggs that the aliens may have placed inside of him. In the same examination room, WreX is tasked with fisting the two doctors as they drain their balls of any possible exposure to alien life. On a mission to prevent these alien creatures from proliferating, the men will stop at nothing to ensure the ‘Ass Invaders’ are completely eradicated before they take over the planet.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Tom Moore
22 dec. 2023
90 Minuten
Club Inferno