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American Twinks Supersized DVDR (NC)

Speciale prijs € 9,88 Normale prijs € 19,75
Op voorraad
SKU 07877D
It’s not just European boys who get super horny – especially when faced with the tantalising temptations of big black cock! American lads also suffer from much the same predicament, as the likes of Lucas Owens and Nicholas Reed very clearly demonstrate here. Then again, what else would you expect given the gigantic proportions of guys like Devon LeBron? So get ready for one seismic Caribbean encounter after another, where no white butt-hole is safe from the supersized qualities of the dudes from the ghetto!
This DVD will be delivered without plastic case. You will receive the disc and the inlay artwork.
Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Andy Kay
1 jul. 2014
102 Minuten